Friday, September 4, 2009

Avatar Love

Hiya Everybody!!!! Kittie has asked me to share my thoughts on love in Second Life. Those who are reading this and have not experienced SL yet will dismiss my ramblings as ridiculous. "An avatar in love???? It's just a game!" Those that have been there just felt a pang in their chest, a sinking feeling in their stomach, or cracked a knowing smile.

Second Life is a magical place, full of wonder and intrigue, silliness and excitement, the visualized dreams of some of the world's most talented people. You can slay dragons, defend a kingdom, sail in airships, pilot a submarine... the list is endless. Many, like myself, come to SL for another reason, the experiences of a more, ahem, amorous nature. Yeah, sex. I spent my first month in SL doing little more than perfecting the look of my avatar, upgrading my body parts on a daily basis and tweaking my newest outfit for the next adventure of the virtual flesh.

One day, in the most unlikely of places, outside the entrance of a dungeon (hush!), I met... her. I was dressed head to toe in pink latex, she in a luxurious purple cape, black leather pants and corset top with thigh high boots.  She was tall and strong looking, long black hair, a piercing gaze, looking every bit the part of vampire and Gorean warrior that she was. Her name... Kit. We exchanged niceties then the most intriguing 30 minutes of chat in SL I could ever imagine. I let her suckle my neck for a nourishing meal after her assurance I would not become a vampire. Kit and I did not couple that day but "friended", staying in communication. A couple weeks passed. One meeting, two, then Kit invited me to visit her new beach house. Upstairs she had a surprise for me. She had decorated the loft overlooking the surf for me, complete with curtains, accouterments and a comfy bed. She opened her house to me and asked me to join her. I felt something I had not anticipated in SL... love.

I also discovered an axiom that follows me to this day. In SL, sex is easy, love is hard. It's said that a month in SL is the equivalent to 7 months in RL. Relationships progress quickly. Kit and I laughed, shared our most inner thoughts, and cried real life tears. But she and I were not compatible enough to stay together very long. My fault,  I was young and inexperienced in SL and my expectations were unrealistic. Imagine that, unrealistic in a pretend world. But having had my first taste of love, I wanted more. I wanted it all. There must be someone, a special ONE out there, that would make me want no other. My quest began in earnest.

Some build things in SL, I build relationships. It's hard work and you learn from your mistakes. Some of my errors are best not remembered, while the best would hang proudly next to the Mona Lisa in the Louvre. We've got one of those in SL, ya know... Kiss ~ Prissy

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